The Schuylkill River Park Community Garden (SRPCG), located at about 25th and Spruce, contains around 70 plots (satellite image) that range in size from 10’ x 10’ to 10’ x 20’. The land is owned by the City of Philadelphia / Fairmount Park Commission and leased to the Center City Residents' Association (CCRA), which manages the Garden through a steering committee comprised of current Gardeners. In addition to tending their plots, Gardeners are responsible for attending three work days per season and assisting with the Garden's public maintenance.
SRPCG, started in 1982, stands on land that was initially very unpromising for a park and garden: the Kelly brickyard and old B&O Railroad Sidings. Originally, the B&O railroad station, underneath the Walnut Street Bridge, provided passenger service from Philadelphia to NYC. In 1982, pioneer gardeners staked out their plots, dug out rocks and construction debris, added large amounts of compost and top soil, and filled 55 gallon drums with water from the fire hydrant across 25th Street.
In 1988, thanks to the vision and hard work of many CCRA members, the support of Park Commissioner Ernesta Ballard, the advocacy of landscape architect John Collins, and funds from the City of Philadelphia / Fairmount Park Commission, a larger area was developed into the beautiful SRPCG as part of the recently completed Schuylkill River Park.
As part of its 1988 agreement with the city and in an effort to beautify the park, the SRPCG maintains an approximately 350 foot perennial border directly adjacent to the Park and outside of the garden fence.
In January 2007, the Garden officially became part of the Smithsonian Institution’s Archives of American Gardens (see certificate). We were nominated by the Weeders' Chapter of the Garden Club of America for inclusion and at that time more than 300 other gardens were being considered out of which only approximately 30 were chosen.
In Spring 2009, the Garden joined PHS City Harvest Program, which ultimately produces food that is donated to local food cupboards. The process starts in Philadelphia Prisons, where inmates grow seeds into seedling plants. These plants are distributed to area community gardens who grow them into produce. The produce is donated by gardeners to local food cupboards, who in turn distribute the food to those in need. In the 2010 season, we distributed over 500 pounds of produce to our food cupboard. We are grateful to our partner in this project, The Philadelphia School.
In 2011 PBS filmed segments for their SPROUT Network inside the SRPCG and we once again donated over 500 pounds of produce to our food cupboard through the City Harvest Program.
We invite you to
explore the website, visit the SRPCG, and avail yourself of the
online resources for gardeners we
have compiled.
February 3, 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
March 1: Lottery Application Deadline
March 3, 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
March 10 Week, Water Turned On/Cistern Filled
Thursday, March 20, 7pm (pending confirmation) at 22nd and Spruce Streets
April 7, 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
March 29, 9:00am: New Gardener Orientation
April 5, 8:30am: New Gardener Orientation(before Work Day)p>
April 6, 1:00pm: New Gardener Orientation
April 5, 9:00am - 12noon Spring Work Day and Barbeque
May 5, 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
May 21 5:00pm Ladybug Release Party
June 2, 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
July 7, 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
July 12, 9:00am - 12noon Summer Work Day-BBQ (rain date, was originally July 9)
August 4, 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
August 24, 5:00pm Annual Harvest Supper
September 8 (Tuesday) , 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
October 6, 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
November 1, 9:00am - 12noon Fall Work Day and Barbeque
November 3, 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
December 1, 7:00pm: Steering Committee Meeting
The Gardeners of the Schuylkill River Park Community Garden wish to express our deepest appreciation to those who have supported our recent capital projects, cumulatively raising over $41,000 not including numerous in-kind contributions of substantial size. Major improvements to the Garden Infrastructure beginning in 2008 were supported by:
Center City Residents Association
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
PA Department of Community and Economic Development
via State Senator Larry Farnese
Gardener's Supply Company
Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition
(supported by DCED
Funds) via State Representative Babette Josephs
Schuylkill River Park Gardeners
McLean Contributionship